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Thank You, Ion Bank Foundation!




The Glebe House Museum announces that the Summer Experience for Children will continue this year with the help of Ion Bank and modifications made to follow State Guidelines for COVID-19 related best practices for the health and safety of the children and families that will participate. The Museum has received a grant from the Ion Bank Foundation in the amount of $1000 to help support summer programming. Thanks to the ION Bank Foundation’s support the Glebe House will be able to present educational programs that provide area young people with experiences which have inspired them to remain as youth volunteers and summer counselors. Our returning summer counselor, Anna Bunovsky, is a former Glebe House Summer Experience attendee. Anna attended several summers of Hands on History and “loved the time spent here”. She currently attends Naugatuck Community College, studying History & Education and is excited to share her passion for learning and enthusiasm for the Glebe programs with local children, this summer.

Enjoy three weeks of unique summer experiences, filled with fun and hands-on learning at our 18th century historic site, The Glebe House Museum and Gertrude Jekyll Garden. This year the programs will span Colonial and Victorian life in Woodbury where children will experience innovative, exciting, enriching and fun activities, and limited to only 10 in a group.

Registration is open for all sessions: “Hands on History” July 6-10 and “Art of the Garden” July 13-17 for children ages 6-12. “Individual Program Days for the Young Apprentice” for children ages 8-15, will be held July 20-23 with each day exploring a different colonial craft. Schedule includes – July 20: Colonial Lighting & Tin Lanterns, July 21: Basket Making, July 22: Blacksmithing, July 23: Textiles & Simple Weaving. Discounts apply for Registrations received by June 24th. Multi-child discounts are also available. Hands on History & Art of the Garden run Monday – Friday from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Individual Program Days are offered Monday – Thursday from 9:00 am-1:00 pm. Please see website for details and registration form: Registrations will be accepted until all programs are filled.

Please call The Glebe House Museum at 203-263-2855, email us at, or visit us online at to register or for additional information.

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