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The Colonial Life of Women Series: The Not-So-Good Life of the Colonial Goodwife & There's S

Colonial Life of Women Series at Glebe:

“The Not-So-Good Life of the Colonial Goodwife” & “There’s still thyme…”

Dates: Colonial Goodwife: Monday, November 11, 2019

There’s still thyme…: Friday, November 15,2019

Time: 6:30 pm

Fee: $20 each for members - $25 each for non-members

Sign up for both programs and receive a $10 discount.

(All proceeds benefit the Glebe House Museum)

Registration is required / Limited seating. Call 203-263-2855 or

Location: The Glebe House Museum, 49 Hollow Road, Woodbury, CT 06798

Presenters: Velya Jancz-Urban - & Ehris Urban of “The Grounded Goodwife”

The Colonial Life of Women Series:

The Glebe House Museum will kick off its brand new “Colonial Life Series” focusing on the Colonial Life of Women. This series is presented with the help of a grant received from the “Women’s Giving Circle of the Connecticut Community Foundation”.

The Colonial Life Series was designed to present the “lost” arts of colonial life, in an intimate setting, at our historic site. Immerse yourself in history in these programs based on the important contributions of women during the colonial period that affected not only their immediate household, but their local community and beyond.

This six-part series will present lectures & hands on workshops including the life of colonial women, herbalism basics, painting theorems, vinegar etched framing, colonial textiles and the basics of hand-weaving.

The Not-So-Good Life of the Colonial Goodwife

Monday, November 11 at 6:30 pm

Ever wonder what the real life of a colonial “goodwife” was like? Here about all of the subjects not covered in your favorite history docudrama and discover what life was really like for New England’s colonial women.

Presented by Velya Jancz-Urban - author, teacher, and creator of The Not-So-Good Life of the Colonial Goodwife - has partnered with her herbalist daughter, Ehris Urban, on this unique presentation that it is funny, sad, sweet, and shocking. Dive deeper into our history. “It’s not all about spinning wheels and quilting bees!”

This program will be presented in the “kitchen” of the Glebe House Museum (c.1750), immersed in colonial artifacts and history. Light refreshments will be served.

There’s still thyme… Herbal Lore, Herbalism Basics, & DIY Herbal Tea Blends Friday, November 15 @ 6:30 pm

Colonial women did not have the benefit of the local pharmacy for health & healing. They did have the knowledge of herbs. This class is a novice’s guide to the power of plants for health & healing, herbal lore and herbalism basics. Make your own organic Women’s Tonic and herbal teas.

Join Ehris Urban -herbalist, public speaker and author and her mother, Velya Jancz-Urban – author, teacher and creator of the Grounded Goodwife for this hands-on workshop presented in the “kitchen” of the Glebe House Museum (c.1750), immersed in colonial artifacts and history. Light refreshments will be served.

To register please contact the Museum Office at 203-263-2855 or by email at

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