Witchcraft in Colonial Connecticut
The Glebe House Museum will be kicking off the fall season of events with a brand new program; “Witchcraft in Colonial Connecticut”. Linda Barr-Gale will present the history and origins of the witch hunts in Colonial Connecticut, told from the voice of Moll Cramer, Woodbury’s very own infamous resident witch (or was she?)!
The keeping room of this historic house will come alive as Ms. Barr-Gale shares stories of other notable witches and tales about those who were hung for witchcraft. She will bring to light the heroes of the time and answer audience questions; all with a touch of humor!
Colonial treats and refreshments will be served. (Recipes will be available)

Linda Barr-Gale is a long time Glebe House Docent and Volunteer. Her portrayal of Moll Cramer during the Glebe’s “All Hollow’s Eve” event has made Moll one of the most popular spirits in the cemetery. Last year she presented a “one witch” show in the cottage at the Glebe during the event. While researching information to present about Moll Cramer’s full story, she became interested in the history and origins of the Connecticut Witch trials. Her research was extensive and was much more than could be presented in such a short time during “All Hollow’s and so this program was born.
Date: Saturday, October 13
Time: 5:00 pm
Admission: $12 Members / $15 Non-Members
Registration: Seating is limited – Call 203-263-2855 or email office@glebehousemuseum.org