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The Way West with the Frontier Mess

The Way West with the Frontier Mess

A weekend-long experience at the Glebe

Dates: Saturday, July 29 – Sunday, July 30

Times: Saturday July 29th / 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. Sunday July 30th / 7:00 am – 4:00 pm

Have you ever wondered what it was like to travel across country in a wagon train and live on the open range? Join the “Frontier Mess” chuckwagon at the Glebe House Museum for two days of demonstrations and three special programs.

Demonstrations will include: setting up camp, camp fire preparation, meal & cooking preparation, and daily living activities. Visitors may participate in select activities including camp set up and daily living activities.

Demonstrations are free and open to the public

The Glebe House Museum will be open for guided tours both days from 1-4 pm. (Regular Admission Fee Applies)

Special Program Information:

Cooking on the Open Range: Saturday, July 29th / 3:00 – 5:00 pm. Tickets: $20 M/ $25 NM

Participants will learn the history of cooking on the trail, how to make a fire appropriate for cooking

meals, what cooking implements were employed and how to use them. A simple recipe will be demonstrated.

Pre-registration Requested – Space is limited.

Evening Under the Stars: Saturday, July 29th / 8:00 – 10:00 pm. Tickets: $10 pp

Join the Frontier Mess around the campfire and close the day’s activities with traditional music, storytelling, and news from the late 1800’s. A “banking ceremony” will close the

night. Includes light refreshments.

Pre-registration requested – Space is limited.

The Way West: Life on the Trail: Sunday, July 30th / 12:00 – 1:00 pm. $10 suggested donation.

(Each $10 donation will receive a ticket for a free guided tour of the Museum)

This new presentation will cover life on the trail for those who used this method of travel to go westward and start a new life. Topics will cover: the process to find a wagon train to join, cost of travel, goods and requirements, hardships & heartaches on the trail, destinations and new beginnings.

Pre-registration requested – Space is limited. See website for info & registration link.

To Register / Tickets: follow the link for the program that you are interested in.

For Questions & Further Information: Call or email the Museum Office at 203-263-2855 /

To view a video featuring the “Frontier Mess”, head to our website at


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