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Engage the Past - Enlighten the Future

An Evening of Festive Dinners with Friends

“Engage the Past – Enlighten the Future”

Slated for May 19th

Woodbury, CT- A late spring evening, elegantly orchestrated dinner parties and great company is promised for those attending the Glebe House Museum & Gertrude Jekyll Garden’s 14th annual fundraiser An Evening of Festive Dinners with Friends scheduled for Saturday, May 19th. This years’ Festive Dinners celebrates the 93rd Anniversary of the Glebe House Museum with its theme “Engage the Past – Enlighten the Future”. This year’s honorary chairs for the event are David Bibbey and his wife, M. Douglas Bibbey, are each supporters of local community arts and culture organizations. David Bibbey is a businessman, entertainer, and producer, known for his CPTV show “All Things Connecticut”. M. Douglas Bibbey is known for her work with NASA on the space program, her US technology patent and 16 years of strategic business development with Fortune 500 companies.

M.Douglas & David Bibbey w/ Melinda Belcher.

The evening will begin with cocktails at 5:30 in the Gertrude Jekyll Garden at the Glebe House Museum where a live auction will also take place. Following the cocktail party, guests will attend one of ten elegant dinners where wine, champagne, fine food and great conversation will flow freely. Event chairpersons Melinda Belcher, Carter Booth and Sun Williams, have selected each home for their unique charm to create a delightful spring evening. Each host will present a memorable dining experience and the opportunity to see a special home and its grounds. Some of this year’s venues are historic homes with stories worth hearing; others are architecturally significant or have particularly inspiring gardens or views.

More detailed descriptions of the dinner parties and their locations accompany ticket purchases so that guests may register preferences. This is a great opportunity to have a relaxed good time with wonderful people and support this historic and cultural treasure at the same time.

This primary fundraiser is the first of several 2018 events designed to inform and broaden support for this Revolutionary-era historic house museum and garden, which is also the birthplace of the American Episcopal Church.

Event sponsors this year include: the Connecticut Community Foundation, the Gabrielson Family Fund, and the Board of Directors of The Seabury Society for the Preservation of the Glebe House, Inc.

Invitations are being mailed to museum members and friends, and others on request. Tickets are $150 per person. Proceeds from this gala event help to maintain and preserve The Glebe House Museum and Gertrude Jekyll Garden, a non-profit educational institution that offers programs and events throughout the year for children, students, and adults. With the exception of the director, the museum and garden are exclusively maintained by the unpaid efforts of people who are committed to preserving this national landmark and one of Woodbury’s most important historic sites.

For an invitation or further information about “An Evening of Festive Dinners with Friends,” contact the museum at 203-263-2855, e-mail

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